
From Space Race

Jack is a young pilot who is the grandson of _Grandfather_. _Grandfather_ is overly protective of him, but lets him use the simulator he had been given permission to keep after the war.

He is a natural at piloting, and dreams of combat piloting. He wants to enter the racing league but _Grandfather_ thinks he is too young and immature, and that to allow him to join would be dangerous both to his physical safety and would be a mistake for the development of his character.

Details[edit | edit source]

Sex: Male
Age: Teenage
Body type:

Personality[edit | edit source]

Jack is a curious and focused boy, but overestimates his knowledge of fighting and of the world. He doesn't get along well with his peers and tends towards isolating himself in the simulator.

Plot[edit | edit source]

Act 1[edit | edit source]

Act 2[edit | edit source]

Act 3[edit | edit source]

Miscellaneous Details[edit | edit source]

Dialogue Snippets[edit | edit source]