Bryan O'Callahan

From Space Race
Revision as of 23:40, 2 March 2024 by LucasNuke (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Bryan O'Callahan is a trusted advisor the Azure City Monarchy and a close friend of Juliet's. == Details == Sex: Male<br/> Age: 38<br/> Body type: Above average height<br/> Hair: Auburn hair<br/> == Personality == Calm, and stoic == Plot == === Act 1 === === Act 2 === === Act 3 ===")
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Bryan O'Callahan is a trusted advisor the Azure City Monarchy and a close friend of Juliet's.


Sex: Male
Age: 38
Body type: Above average height
Hair: Auburn hair


Calm, and stoic


Act 1

Act 2

Act 3